What a Business Branding Photography Shoot with Kristen Shaw Photography can end like...

When Kristy from KLC Beauty Port Macquarie approached me for a personal branding business photography shoot, I knew we were in for a meticulously planned session. With over 17 years of experience in the beauty industry, Kristy is a self-confessed perfectionist who knows exactly what she wants. As she is now embarking on a new journey in the education sector as a lash and nail specialist trainer, she wanted her branding to reflect her passion and professionalism. Little did we know, the day would take a turn for the truly unforgettable! Trust me read until the end of this one!

The Planning

Kristy had every detail planned out for the shoot at her beautiful Port Macquarie home-based studio. She provided me with a gorgeous mood board with soft creamy tones, whites, and blacks. Outfit changes were ironed and laid out in the same tonal range. She had a detailed list of shots we were to recreate and or take inspiration from, she left no stone unturned. As a photographer, it's always a pleasure to work with someone who has a clear vision. But sometimes we cannot control everything…

The Unexpected Twist

What neither Kristy nor I could have anticipated was the surprise her partner, Lucas, had in store. As Kristy stepped away to change outfits mid-shoot, Lucas approached me with a twinkle in his eye and a small box in his hand. He quietly asked if he could slip me some cash to capture the big moment—a bloody proposal! The pressure was on, not just for Lucas but also for me to perfectly capture this once-in-a-lifetime moment. In shock I don’t think I spoke for 10 seconds then I got my shit together and told him we would do it at the end of the shoot in the loungeroom where the morning light was soft and flattering. I thought it may be 'a little distracting’ to do it mid personal branding business shoot. The midday light was far too harsh outside. This was our only option.

It was the final outfit change. The time had come...In my loudest most convincing (I’m not nervous) voice I yelled out “Ok this will be the last one and we will wrap up the shoot”. A signal for Lucas. With my heart racing, I quickly changed lenses and adjusted my camera settings. Then adjusted another backup camera just in case. Kristy, completely unaware of what was about to happen, returned looking stunning as ever. She asked where to pose and I put her smack bang in the middle of a corner lounge. A very odd spot for a personal branding photo indeed. I had her purely there for the proposal allowing Lucas room to manoeuvre either side. 

Lucas then fluffed around filling up a water bottle in the kitchen. I wondered what he was up to. I asked him to come sit down and pose for some photos with his girl to which he replied, “Nah she doesn’t want me in them”. I was confused. Had he changed his mind. Eventually he came over and just started posing for photos. He had chickened out. Or had he. Now I was really confused and certainly not on my best game for personal branding business photos. I’m surprised Kristy didn’t catch on. Honestly Lucas if you are reading this next time you tell a photographer you are proposing in the loungeroom get stuck in mate! Just when I’d all but given up on the proposal old Romeo pulls out the big move and gets down on one knee. I don’t know who was more surprised, Kristy or me! AND I knew about it! The look of surprise and joy on Kristy's face was priceless, well it was after she realised he was for real. 

Girl on couch with dog.

Kristy on the couch in no mans land...unsuspecting.

Lucas posing for photos. WTF???

Romeo finally pulls out his big move.

The Result

The photos turned out stunningly, encapsulating not just Kristy's professional essence but also this special chapter in her life. I absolutely love my job and that I get to be invited into so many special moments. This one even more so as I had no idea going into the shoot. I didn’t even have time to have a sleepless night worrying about missing the shot. Lucas you made my day and no doubt Kristy’s!

If you're looking to elevate your business's online presence with professional photos, I would love to help. Personal branding sessions with Kristen Shaw Photography are not just about capturing your professional side but also about celebrating who you are. And, as Kristy and Lucas's story shows, you never know what surprises might unfold. I can’t promise you a hubby but I can promise you some gorgeous on brand photos.

Ready to book your session? Get in touch, and let's create something beautiful together.

Black and white photo of an engagement ring up close with blurred face in the background.


Kris from Kristen Shaw Photography, a Port Macquarie based professional photographer, delivers personal branding and corporate photos that capture genuine smiles and candid interactions —no stiff, posed photographs here. Perfect for elevating your website and social media, Kris’s personal and corporate branding photography packages start at just $495 and ensures your business stands out. Kris works closely with her clients to ensure her photos are on brand. No two corporate shoots will be the same nor will two of her clients be the same. Reach out today to make your brand shine, and yes, I did just write all this malarky about myself! But check out all my five star Google Reviews from previous clients if you don’t want to just take my word for it.


Kris x

AKA Kristen Shaw Photography

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